Hardly any other term triggers such ambivalent associations in many of us as that of the association. Many smile at the life of the association and judge it mockingly and condescendingly. The term "association" denotes something positive and serious. Versatile and creative living together in the village or city community would not be conceivable and possible without the mediating forms of the association. Most of the associations are organized on a purely honorary basis. However, when they have reached a certain size and the tasks become too extensive, then a full-time staff member is hired to relieve them.
Absolventenverband BORG Güssing
7540 Güssing
Schulstraße 17
Telefon: 03322/42125
Obmann: Knut Becha
Bauerngemeinschaft Südburgenland
7540 Güssing
Stremtalstraße 21a
Obmann: Franz Lehner
Bezirkslehrerchor Güssing
7551 Stegersbach
Schoadastraße 88
Telefon: 03326/54660
Obfrau: Waltraud Piplits
Bgld. Gemeinschaft
7540 Güssing
Hauptplatz 7
Telefon: 03322/42598
Obmann: Dr. Walter Dujmovits
7540 Güssing
Punitzer Straße 47
Telefon: 03322/44517
Obmann: Ladislaus Weber
Burgverein Güssing
7540 Güssing
Hauptplatz 7
Telefon: 03322/43008 oder 0676/6129776
Internet: www.burgspiele.eu
Obfrau: Hildegard Koller
7540 Güssing
Ludwigshof 40
Telefon: 03322/44360
Email: ernst.breitegger@gmx.net
Obmann: Mag. Ernst Breitegger
Elternverein BORG Güssing
7540 Güssing
Schulstraße 17
Telefon: 03322/42125
Obfrau: Andrea Becha
Elternverein HBLA Güssing
7540 Güssing
Schulstraße 17
Telefon: 0664/2213573
Obmann: Franz Kazinota
Elternverein HS Güssing
7540 Güssing
Schulstraße 9
Telefon: 03322/422 83
Obmann: Franz Böö
Elternverein VS Güssing
7540 Güssing
Batthyánystraße 23
Telefon: 0664/3259025
Obfrau: Mag. Eva Weinek
Exekutive Seelsorge Burgenland
7540 Güssing
Hauptstraße 4
Telefon: 03322/42614
Obmann: Peter Graf
Förderer des Krankenhauses
7540 Güssing
Hauptstraße 14
Telefon: 0699/12551460
Obmann: Dr. Günther Heincz
Güssinger Musiktage
7540 Güssing
Meierhofgasse 4
Telefon: 03322/42502
Obmann: Prof. Walter Franz
Güssinger Sportverein (Fußball)
7540 Güssing
Badstraße 7
Telefon: 0664/6241320
Internet: www.sv-guessing.at
Obmann: Mag. Hannes Winkelbauer (seit 12.1.20120)
Hardly any other term triggers such ambivalent associations in many of us as that of the association. Many smile at the life of the association and judge it mockingly and condescendingly. The term "association" denotes something positive and serious. Versatile and creative living together in the village or city community would not be conceivable and possible without the mediating forms of the association. Most of the associations are organized on a purely honorary basis. However, when they have reached a certain size and the tasks become too extensive, then a full-time staff member is hired to relieve them.
Heeressportverein Güssing
7540 Güssing
St.Nikolaus 67
Telefon: 03322/43199 od.
Obmann: Thomas Jandrasits
Jagd- und Sportschützenverein Grenzland Süd
7540 Güssing
Hauptplatz 9
Telefon: 03322/42249
Obmann: Helmut Rupprecht
7540 Güssing
Ludwigshof 21
Obmann: Stefan Messenlehner
Josef Reichl Bund
7540 Güssing
Stremtalstraße 2
Email: josef-reichl-bund@gmx.at
Internet: www.josef-reichl-bund.at
Obmann: Mag. Karl Pratl
7540 Güssing
Kasernenstraße 48
Telefon: 03322/42185
Obmann: Andreas Pomper
Kampfkunst- und Familiensportzentrum Burgenland
Telefon: 0664/925 6378
Internet: www.kampfkunstzentrum-burgenland.at
Obmann: OAAss. Stifter Karl
Kath. Österr. Mädchenverbindung "Walcueria" im VFM
7540 Güssing
Hauptstraße 54
Telefon: 03322/43612
Obfrau: Mag. Petra Sommer
Kath. Österr. Studentenverbindung "Quisinia" im MKV
7540 Güssing
Hauptstraße 52
Telefon: 03322/42762
Obmann: Johannes Hofbauer
Kirchenchor Güssing
7540 Güssing
Punitzer Straße 41
Telefon: 03322/43630
Obmann: Emil Gombotz
KTI Kultur- und Tourismusinitiative
7540 Güssing
Hauptplatz 7
Telefon: 03322/42311-21
Obmann: Bgm. Peter Vadasz
Kultur-, Tourismus- und Faschingsgildenverein Güssing
7540 Güssing
Hauptplatz 7
Telefon: 03322/44003
Obmann Walter Krtschal
7540 Güssing
Kasernenstraße 59
Telefon: 03322/44358
Obmann: Franz Haasz
MRC Modellracing Club
7540 Güssing
Raiffeisenstraße 9
Telefon: 0664/2367162
Obmann: Erwin Marton
Musical Güssing
7540 Güssing
Schulstraße 6
Telefon: 03322/43129
Internet: www.musicalguessing.com
Obfrau: Marianne Resetarits
Hardly any other term triggers such ambivalent associations in many of us as that of the association. Many smile at the life of the association and judge it mockingly and condescendingly. The term "association" denotes something positive and serious. Versatile and creative living together in the village or city community would not be conceivable and possible without the mediating forms of the association. Most of the associations are organized on a purely honorary basis. However, when they have reached a certain size and the tasks become too extensive, then a full-time staff member is hired to relieve them.
Naturschutzbund Burgenland
7540 Güssing
Ludwigshof 40
Telefon: 03322/44360
Email: ernst.breitegger@gmx.net
Obmann: Mag. Ernst Breitegger
Obmann Sportunion Güssing
7540 Güssing
Teichgasse 29
Telefon: 0664/5318011
Obmann: Martin Szerencsits
Österreichische Jungarbeiterbewegung
7540 Güssing
Schulstraße 4
Obfrau: Berta Hafner
Österreichischer Kameradschaftsbund Güssing
7540 Güssing
Grazer Straße 44
Telefon: 03322/43913
Obmann: Siegfried HEINZ, Vizeleutnant i.R.
Österreichische Rassehunde Verein
7540 Güssing
Rotkreuzbergstraße 8
Telefon: 03322/42643
Obmann: Ludwig Gyaki
Österreichische Rettungshundebrigade Staffel Güssing
Trainingsplatz: 7540 Güssing, Langzeil Nr. 90
Email: oerhb-guessing@gmx.at
Internet: www.oerhb-guessing.at
Obmann: -
Staffelführer: Erwin Kurta
7540 Inzenhof Nr. 17
Telefon: 0664/5310390
Pro Güssing
7540 Güssing
Telefon: 03322/43491
Obmann: Markus Wolf
Red Hot Chilli
7540 Güssing
Flurgasse 11
Internet: www.redhotchilli.org/v10 - Webseite nicht mehr aktuell !
Obmann: Mag. Robert Antoni
Reitverein Güssing
7540 Güssing
Hauptstraße 14
Telefon: 0699/12551460
Obmann: Dr. Günther Heincz
Hardly any other term triggers such ambivalent associations in many of us as that of the association. Many smile at the life of the association and judge it mockingly and condescendingly. The term "association" denotes something positive and serious. Versatile and creative living together in the village or city community would not be conceivable and possible without the mediating forms of the association. Most of the associations are organized on a purely honorary basis. However, when they have reached a certain size and the tasks become too extensive, then a full-time staff member is hired to relieve them.
Schachclub SC Güssing
Josef Muik
Langzeil Nr. 18
7540 Güssing
Email: josef.muik@drei.at
Obmann: Josef Muik
Sparverein "Weihnachtsfreunde" (BORG + HLW)
7540 Güssing
Schulstraße 17
Telefon: 03322/42125 oder 42753
Obmann: Herbert Weber und Oswald Hager
Sportunion "Lady-Fitness"
7540 Güssing
St.Nikolaus 2
Telefon: 0664/3259659
Obfrau: Brigitte Szvetits
Stadtchor Güssing
7540 Güssing
Punitzer Straße 7a
Telefon: 03322/43322
Obmann: Gerhard Krammer
Stadtkapelle Güssing
7522 Strem
Kapellenstraße 15
Internet: www.stadtkapelle-guessing.at
Obmann: Engelbert Tretter
Taekwondo Güssing Olympic Taekwondo
7540 Güssing
WIM Center Top 2
Telefon: 0664/925 6378
Email: sportburgenland@hotmail.com
Internet: www.taekwondo-guessing.at
Obmann: OAAss. Stifter Karl
Taekwondo Verein Taeguk Güssing
Email: marth.ferdinand@aon.at
Obmann: Ferdinand Marth
Union Basketballclub
7540 Güssing
Schulstraße 21
Email: management@guessing-knights.at
Internet: www.guessing-knights.at - Webseite nicht mehr aktuell !
Obmann: Ing. Reinhard Koch
Union Bezirk Güssing
7540 Güssing
Wiener Straße 18
Telefon: 03322/44109
Obmann: Dieter Kirchner
Union Schiclub Güssing
7540 Güssing
Hauptstraße 22
Telefon: 03322/43514
Obmann: Jürgen Szerencsits
Union Tennisclub Güssing (UTC Raika Güssing)
7540 Güssing
Batthyánystraße 14
Obmann: Manfred Hofer
Verein der Freunde des Gewerbegymnasiums Güssing
7540 Güssing
Schulstraße 17
Telefon: 03322/42125
Obmann: Mag. Franz Flamisch
Verein Ich und Du
7540 Güssing
Tobaj 106
Telefon: 03322/43786
Obmann: Laurenz Gerersdorfer
Verein Wieseninitiative
8291 Burgauberg
Hochkogl 22
Telefon: 0664/5311522
Email: wiese.in@gmx.at
Internet: www.wiese.at - Webseite nicht mehr aktuell !
Obfrau: DI Brigitte Gerger
Videotreff Mario
7540 Güssing
Grazer Straße 28
Obmann: Mario Gombocz
Vokal Ensemble Cantus Felix
7540 Güssing
Krottendorf 100
Telefon: 03322/44407
Obmann: Dir. Franz Stangl
Volkshochschule Güssing
7540 Güssing
Kasernenstraße 37
Telefon: 03322/42560
Obfrau: Monika Vadasz
Volkstanzgruppe Glasing
7540 Güssing
Glasing 41
Telefon: 0650/9414374
Obmann: Mag. Andreas Laky
Internet: www.volkstanzgruppe-glasing.at
"In golden shield, a blue, golden-jointed wall rises from a blue, golden-jointed wall, a blue, golden-jointed tower with a golden ogival gate opening, crowned with four round battlements, each of which is accompanied by two black stars".
The right to use the coat of arms was granted to the large municipality and future municipality of Güssing by decision of the Burgenland provincial government on April 11, 1973.
Numerous sights like the castle ruins, the Jakobikirche, the Franciscan monastery etc. testify today to the cultural and historical importance of the town of Güssing. But also today Güssing is a culturally vivid place: the Güssinger Kultur Sommer, the cultural centre, the Burgspiele, the musical Güssing are only a few examples for its manifold cultural offers.
Günter Nikles
Josef Reichl-Str. 17a/7
7540 Güssing, Austria
(c) 2025 www.nikles.net