The former Gasthaus zum Nordpol (Leopold Dörr, died 9.1.1924, Josef resp. Willibald Dörr, Richter) in the Güssinger Raiffeisenstraße has been closed for many years.
History: The inn "Zum Nordpol", located in the Mühlwinkel, passed according to the "Purchase and Sale Agreement" of 26.12.1881 from the property of
of Countess Elisabeth Wocher Batthyány, widowed Countess Draskovich, into the possession of Josef and Elisabeth Posch, née Petschinger.
The purchase price was 13,000 guldens, payable in three installments, 3000 guldens immediately, 5000 guldens after 3 months and 5000 guldens after one year.
The Posch couple had to pledge to exercise the liquor license only at this location.
The ice pit site (Eisgrubenplatz) located near the St. Anna Kapellle was not subject to the sale.
Around 1914, the inn was sold to the couple Leopold and Maria Dörr.
Entry in the journal Burgenländische Gemeinschaft 1995-335_5+6:
After long suffering the innkeeper Willibald Richter has died.
The deceased was born in Punitz, lived for many years with his family in New York, where his children were also born.
After returning from America he took over the former inn Dörr ("zum Nordpol") in the Mühlwinkel.
Willibald Richter was buried in his home cemetery in Punitz.
Other inns and guesthouses in Güssing: Zur Krone: the great Güssing inn, later Josef Kneffel. Zum golden Lamm: former supply house, later Alois Demartin, Johann Nikischer, Josef Loikits and Josef Gibiser. Zum grünen Baum: newly built in 1900, taken over by Gustav Gaal in 1924, leased by Rudolf Grabner 1922-1930. Zur blauen Weintraube: opened by master baker Josef Bauer, later Josef Graf, around the year 1922 taken over by Ferdinand Fassmann, leased to Franz Kroboth, finally developed into a hotel by the owner after his return from USA in the years 1931-1936.
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Günter Nikles
Josef Reichl-Str. 17a/7
7540 Güssing, Austria