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The pearl of Southern Burgenland


Planning: 1972 (architect Matthias Szauer); opening: 27 August 1977; owner: "Verein zur Planung, Errichtung und Erhaltung Burgenländischer Kulturzentren". Construction costs: 36.5 million shillings, paid exclusively by the association, which received these funds as subsidies from the federal and state governments. The municipality of Güssing provided an open-ended plot of land. Both the large hall (capacity 521 persons) and the various smaller rooms find good occupancy. For the season 1980/81 the cultural centre recorded 1.5 events per day. During this period almost 50,000 people visited the site.

Report in the Burgenländische Gemeinschaft 1974, No. 2: In Austria's youngest city, the construction of a cultural and educational centre began in summer 1973. After the construction of a basic architectural model, this project is to have several functional units: At the heart of the building will be a large, 500-person multi-purpose room with a spacious stage and a recessed orchestra room, a learning area for courses and lectures and a recreational and administrative area. The architectural planning allows for several variations through appropriate structural design in the function of the individual sections. This allows an optimal utilization of the space. Various events can be held in the large multi-purpose hall: Theatre performances (also with demanding stage technology requirements), Concerts, exhibitions and entertainment. A buffet is available for culinary delights. The general education wing includes club rooms, Lecture rooms, photo lab, language lab, a base library and the necessary office space The third functional area is intended for the youth and will be used for group also receive contemporary facilities for stylish leisure activities. The municipality of Güssing provided a several thousand square meters large for this project, structurally developed property is available, of which 1720 square meters will be used. The cultural and educational centre is being built opposite the two new, modern schools (Hauptschule and Gymnasium) at the Schulstraße. Currently the pilot work is completed and by the end of December half of the planned concreting work for reaching the building site should be completed. In July or August, the same roof is planned to be levelled. In adaptation to the two schools, the entire building will be constructed in fair-faced concrete. The outdoor facilities will be landscaped and will serve as a permanent exhibition area for sculptural work. With the construction of the cultural and educational centre in Güssing the cultural institutions of the southern Burgenland not only offered the opportunity, to continue their activities under better conditions than before, but in addition, the expected increase in performance could also be optimally supported. With this building, however, the previous achievements in the cultural field will also find recognition on the part of the country's cultural policy. The "Association for the Planning, Construction and Preservation of Cultural and Educational Facilities in Burgenland". sees in §2 of the association statute as a goal: the coordination with the cultural department of the office of the Bgld. provincial government the Burgenland municipalities and all providers of adult education. With the establishment of this project in Güssing, the entire cultural work in southern Burgenland not only receive new impulses, but there is also the possibility to strive for a fertilizing effect on domestic cultural institutions through exchange programs.

Report by Michael Gramelhofer in the Burgenländische Gemeinschaft 1974, No. 2


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Günter Nikles
Josef Reichl-Str. 17a/7
7540 Güssing, Austria
