Jewish cemetery Güssing
The former Jewish cemetery is located in the so-called Mühlwinkel, in Stremtalstraße 13 in Güssing and is under monumental protection (ObjectID: 28735). The cemetery was robbed of its gravestones during the NS era. In order to give the area back its cemetery character, the association "Schalom" arranged for the erection of symbolic gravestones and a memorial. The cemetery is maintained by the municipality of Güssing (building yard).
A memorial plaque bears the words under a Hebrew inscription:
Zum Gedenken an die einst blühende Jüdische Gemeinde Güssing und ihre Mitglieder,
die in der NS-Zeit gedemütigt, beraubt und vertrieben wurden.
Viele von ihnen wurden ermordet. Wir gedenken ihrer Leiden und Opfer.
Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Graz
In memory of the once flourishing Jewish community of Güssing and its members,
that were humiliated, robbed and expelled during the Nazi era.
Many of them were murdered. We remember their suffering and their victims.
Israelite Religious Community Graz
There are more than 60 Jewish cemeteries in Austria.