Due to the poor economic situation, many Burgenlanders emigrated to America.
The city of Güssing was the urban centre of the migration to America.
In the interwar period there were 7 different emigration offices, which were run as agencies of a total of 8 shipping lines.
The earliest proven emigrant to America was Alois Sorger, who emigrated to Allentown in 1901.
Since 1986 the office of the Burgenländische Gemeinschaft is located in Güssing,
and this city is also the venue for the annual "Picnic", a meeting of the foreign castles of the country abroad.
District Glasing: The emigration wave, which began in 1894, first went to Pennsylvania,
increased in number constantly and was based on the I. World War I especially to New York.
After Tudersdorf and Strem, Glasing is the village with the most emigrants in relation to the local population.
Today more Glasingers and their descendants live in America than in Glasing itself.
Great was and is also the help for community facilities at the church and fire brigade.
District Krottendorf bei Güssing: The first ones who went to America were the two cousins Josef and Karl Malits.
They settled in Pennsylvania in 1899. Johann (János - John) Malitsch, born in 1898, who came from Krottendorf,
the Burgenland writer Eugen Mayer set a literary monument a few years ago.
District Langzeil: The first emigrant from Langzeil was Stefan Loos.
Where he moved to is not known, nor the exact year of his emigration. It is said to have been "in the mid 90s".
District Ludwigshof: no information!
District Rosenberg: The first emigrant might have been a certain Mr. Pöltl in the early 90s of the last century.
District Steingraben: The wave of emigrants reached the Steingraben district in 1895.
The first to emigrate was a certain Mr. Muik.
He moved to Coplay, but soon returned because he had lost a leg in an industrial accident in America.
He died in 1905. With the 21 people who emigrated from Steingraben between 1946-1948,
the emigration from this place reaches a significant peak in this late phase.
16 of them moved to the USA (mainly New York) and 5 to Canada.
District St. Nikolaus: The first emigrant was a Mr. Gabriel Baranyai, who went to America in the 80s (1888 ?) years of unknown destination.
District Urbersdorf: Most of the emigrants from Urbersdorf moved to New York.
In the beginning some moved to Pennsylvania. The first American emigrant was Josef Sakaschitz, who emigrated to Allentown in 1901.
At the beginning of the Second World War the emigrants accounted for almost 30% of the total population.
One of the great functionaries of the Burgenland organizations in North America is also an Urbersdorf resident: John Wukitsevits.
He was born in New York, but spent his youth in Urbersdorf.
After the war he returned to New York.
In 1973 he was elected president of the First Sickness Support Association in New York and held this position for many years.
(Source all districts: www.burgenlaender.com)
Emigrants from Güssing and surroundings:
Allerstorfer Hermann from Heiligenkreuz im Lafnitztal, President of "Austrian - Hawaiian Association"
Baranyai Gabriel, Emigrants from St. Nikolaus, 1888 ?
Berner Alfred, emigrated 1955, USA
Berner Alois (Louis), emigrated 5.1.1911, USA
Doncses-Hammer (Berner) Anna
Berner Franz - emigrated 1923
Berner Johann (John), emigrated 1923
Berner Rose, née Yudt (Judt, Jud) from Kukmirn
Kutrovits Rosa from Wulkaprodersdorf, Born in 1893 and emigrated to South Bend near Chicago in 1913
Leiler Veronika from Windisch Minihof, born 1866, emigrated 1903 to New Britain in Connecticut
Loos Stefan, from Langzeil
Malits Josef, from Krottendorf, emigrated 1899 to Pennsylvania
Malits Karl, from Krottendorf, emigrated 1899 to Pennsylvania
Malitsch Johann (János - John), born 1898, Krottendorf
Muik, Steingraben, emigrated to Coplay, zurückgekehrt
Pöltl, Rosenberg, emigrated at 1890
Reichl Josef, Zahlung, emigrated 1891 to Allentown
Sakaschitz Josef, Urbersdorf, emigrated 1901 to Allentown
Sorger Alois, Rosenberg, emigrated 1901 to Allentown
Stanz Josef, Moschendorf , emigrated 1902 to Northampton, returned 1905
Traupmann Franz, emigrated 1922, USA
Traupmann John, ausgewandert in den 30er Jahren, USA
Ein Freund ging nach Amerika
Ein Freund ging nach Amerika
Und schrieb mir vor einigen Lenzen:
Schicke mir Rosen aus Steiermark,
Ich hab' eine Braut zu bekränzen!
Und als vergangen war ein Jahr,
Da kam ein Brieflein gelaufen:
Schicke mir Wasser aus Steiermark,
Ich hab' ein Kindlein zu taufen!
Und wieder ein Jahr, da wollte der Freund,
Ach, noch was anderes haben:
Schicke mir Erde aus Steiermark,
Muss Weib und Kind begraben!
Und so ersehnte der arme Mann
Auf fernsten, fremden Wegen
Für höchst Freud', für tiefstes Leid
Des Heimatlandes Segen.
Lieblingsgedicht von Peter Rosegger
The emigration museum (Güssing, Stremtalstraße 2) impressively shows interesting facts about the flood of emigrants from Burgenland to America at the beginning of this century.
In the interwar period there were 7 different emigration offices in Güssing, which had been managed as agencies of 8 shipping lines in total. The earliest proven emigrant to America was Alois Sorger (Rosenberg/Güssing), who emigrated to Allentown in 1901. Since 1986 the office of the Burgenländische Gemeinschaft has been located in Güssing, and this town is also the venue for the annual meeting of the Burgenländertreffen ("Picnic").
"In golden shield, a blue, golden-jointed wall rises from a blue, golden-jointed wall, a blue, golden-jointed tower with a golden ogival gate opening, crowned with four round battlements, each of which is accompanied by two black stars".
The right to use the coat of arms was granted to the large municipality and future municipality of Güssing by decision of the Burgenland provincial government on April 11, 1973.
Numerous sights like the castle ruins, the Jakobikirche, the Franciscan monastery etc. testify today to the cultural and historical importance of the town of Güssing. But also today Güssing is a culturally vivid place: the Güssinger Kultur Sommer, the cultural centre, the Burgspiele, the musical Güssing are only a few examples for its manifold cultural offers.
Günter Nikles
Josef Reichl-Str. 17a/7
7540 Güssing, Austria
(c) 2025 www.nikles.net