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The pearl of Southern Burgenland


The "Latzer-Haus", formerly the "Hotel Zum Hirschen", is located at P. Gratian Leser-Straße 6 in Güssing and is listed under the object ID 28763. Two-storey, twelve-axis building; arcades on the ground floor. Facade structure from the first half of the 19th century. After the war the Latzer family returned to Güssing. Nikolaus Latzer lived in his hometown until his death in the 1990s despite the humiliations he had experienced in 1938. He is one of the very few Jews in Burgenland who returned home after the Shoah (or Shoah, Sho'ah, Hebrew, = disaster, catastrophe, visitation) and spent the rest of their lives here. Mrs. Alicia (Alice) Anna Latzer, born 1928-06-11, lives today in the USA, New York, where she works as a tour guide.


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Günter Nikles
Josef Reichl-Str. 17a/7
7540 Güssing, Austria
